Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Serve me some HUMBLE PIE!

I'm just a humble pup, folks. Wow! This turned out to be a surprisingly great day! Look at this:

My cute lil' gal on the night of her first 4H meeting of the year! She's official now, friends! She's been "sworn in" as an officer! The girl (with a lil' help....) will be the club historian: so it's bound to be a fun year! I'm basking in the light of my wee-one, becoming ... not so "wee.." {*SOB!} I am blessed and humbled by her commitment and dedication to her club... AND... Oh, yeah, I am blessed and humbled because while we were out... this was announced:

H- E - L - L - O, happy day! That just made mine! And, uh, pretty sure tomorrow AND the next day, too! WOWEEEE! Thank you, CARD PATTERNS! What a cool challenge site, and let me just add that they have some phenomenal sketches to work from, and DON'T that make a gal's day a bit easier! Check them out! And, oh yeah! They've asked me to be the guest designer for next week... so REALLY: go play! {I'll join you, too, just as soon as I stop doing cartwheels across my living room!}

But for now: a quick card to express my priorities... and celebrate all things card crafty and fun!

Words to live by! What a kick! I'm LOVING and consuming this fab paper by Cosmo Cricket! YUMMY! Some fun and kitchy imagery to remind us that we're girls, under all of this paper crafting! So glad Cosmo made some paper to match this hilarious sentiment stamp by Dawn Houser and Inkadinkadoo! I do, I do, I do love it so!

So, there's some "card" to share. I'm SO giddy and swoony and {DON'T say "too much Pumpkin Spice Latte!" I'll deny it! Hee Hee} ...... H A P P Y ! Happy to have found you all... FANTASTIC friendships and fabulous places to get m'craft on! And a joyful world to share it ALL! I love BLOGLAND! Yee Haw!


C/S - Stampin' Up!
D/P - Cosmo Cricket
Stamp - Inkadinkadoo
Ink - Stampin' Up!
Punches - Stampin' Up! & EK Success


Dotty Jo said...

Sooooo much to celebrate, so pleased for you! Jo x

Anonymous said...

Fabulous, Elise! Congrats! Cutie shoe card, too! Reminds me that I need new ones!

Karen said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Congrats on both your little one's growing and accomplishments and your own!!! And Guest Designer?! Woooohooooo! I just did an imaginary cartwheel for you (imaginary because of course, I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt and while funny in cartoons, somehow a cartwheel shaped hole in my wall just might not make me laugh so much :>!) and am now tapping my toes for a Happy Dance for YOU!!!! :>

Dana Gustafson said...

Woohoo! Yay for your girl and for you! What a night!

Dana Gustafson said...

In my excitement for the people...I jumped right over typing re: the CARD! :) I love this cosmo line myself. It's SOOOOO sassy! Just like us!! Although, if you can't get me to do housework much in jeans and tennies, forget about it in a darling dress and heels!

Miranda said...

Congrats on winning and being guest designer for next weeks sketch! your card is wonderful and I am really curious to see your creation next week. If I have time enough I will play along :)

Rosemary said...

First, that girl of yours is just too cute and quite the "chip off the ol' mom block! Second, YAY YOU!!! GUEST DESIGNER!!! That is sooo cool! But then, the winning card is FABULOUS! Your shoe card is wonderful! Keep those PSLs coming!!

Linda aka Oz said...

I feel the need for a little public service announcement: When parents take the time to be involved in their children's lives, good things happen. Then great things happen.

Once again I have to climb down off my soap bottle around you, what is up with that. Iffn I spent as much time cleaning as I do preaching my little home on wheels would shine like a brand new penny! Blind the neighbors and more than likely cause a fire with the reflection so I will just stick to preachin'!

All of that was a hug and whoo hoo! Hope ya didn't miss it. I will do my best to play along just 'cause of you. Linda aka Oz

Ann said...

Another fabby creation, doll! And woohooooo for you!!!!

Kelley Eubanks said...

You are too funny! Congratulations again!! And.. your little girl is darling!! LOVE LOVE LOVE this card too!! So cute and fun!!

Winter said...

CONGRATS! I loved the card that won! And I love this card too, the sentiment is GREAT! :) I would love to see you doing cartwheels in your livingroom! :)

Courtney Baker said...

How cute is she! I'm sure you are so proud.

Congratulations on your spotlight! Doesn't it just feel good. That card was amazing too.

I've always liked that line from Cosmo. I still have some pieces left that I can't seem to use... and I promise I'm so not a hoarder!

arlsmom aka Lynda said...

Congrats on making top six!!! Love your card!!!

Dotty Jo said...

Hi Sweetie, please drop on over to my place as there is a little something waiting there for you! Jo x http://dottypuddingdesigns.blogspot.com/2009/09/blog-award.html