Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Message For You:

I hope you don't take this the wrong way... This is actually a message of encouragement! Wellness! Healing!!!! But it's kind of masqueraded in a funny package. Bare with me... {it's for the Moxie Fab Home Item challenge... 'Nuff said!}:

Check out that beautiful, old fashioned hand mixer! Is that a gorgeous piece of artwork! It's from Cosmo Cricket, of course! It just takes my breath away, for some reason! I've been staring at it for weeks and then when Cath, from Moxie Fab World announced this challenge, I'm like, "oh, yeah, BABY! I'm going to take this little artifact to the DANCE!"

That's what I said to myself... And then "myself" said, "NOW WHAT!?!"

I couldn't stop thinking of the Michael Jackson song, "Beat It." Then, that made me sad. I wanted this card to be funny! But it just wasn't working. So, I thought and thought... and thought some more. I kept starring at this gorgeous Cosmo paper...

There's GREAT images on both the front and the back side of this FANTASTIC paper, and I'm having the darndest time parting with ANY of it. I used this winking gal for a fun card a ways back... but BOY is it hard to let go of paper that has just as great fun on one side as it does on the other! Doh!

I perused THOUSANDS of stamp sentiments! Old and new rub-ons, ANYTHING I could think of and then finally, I thought about the old computer. I'm such a purest with my STAMPING! This was a might scandalous for me.... but it really helped my process!

I realized, I couldn't get past this "BEAT IT!" I just couldn't let it go. So, then, how to make it funny...? But not crude funny... I was thinking of a Ferris Bueller farewell, "go on, get out of here already!" Then, for some reason, I thought this would make a great retirement card... "Go on! Retire already: beat it!" Something like that! But I couldn't make it work, logically, without chancing that it could hurt someone's feelings! Especially a retiree! {We take care of my husband's 95 year old grandmother and it's amazing how little it takes to make her angry and get her feelings hurt... sigh... What a conundrum!}

I got so caught up in the 1950's house wife, wearing pearls and sewing children's clothes, baking cakes from scratch... the whole shebang! Then I decided that no matter what, I was dumping this "ancient piece of tackle" from my stash:

Oh, gosh. So, then I'm feeling married to my materials and I still don't have a recipe to tie it all together.... Oh the SHAME! Then... a solution! Tucked in the POCKET of my imagination........

I printed, "BEAT IT! BEAT IT! GO ON AND BEAT IT" again and again, horizontally across some vanilla card stock.. and then this sentiment: "I BELIEVE IN YOU!", vertically and larger. I tucked it in a journaling pocket created for the outside of the card.... {the pocket piece is anchored by that cute lil' ribbon from American Crafts, so that the sentiment pops out but cannot be removed from the pocket!}

THEN, a sentiment for the inside:

And NOW! A card to make someone smile during a less than perfect time! Made with love and a little humor.... A perfect recipe for a SMILE! Ahhhhhhhhhh! {Now for some Laurence Welk music, pimento olives on cello frilly toothpicks while I wax the kitchen floor!}

Hee Hee


So, friends. Thanks for exploring with me today. It was like a historical, moral and creative therapy session... Just let GO of the paper!

You guys make my day! Hope I helped make yours... a bit more ENCOURAGING!


C/S - Stampin' Up!
D/P - Cosmo Cricket; Making Memories
Computer Font - Julius
Ribbon - American Craft
Ink - Stampin' Up!
Thread - Guterman
Pinking Shears - (?) They are REALLY old!
Charm - Michael's


Winter said...

So cute! I love it! :)

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

This card is a winner!!!! Love it!
And you did the sentiment wonderfully...

So...I just picked up a Michael Jackson CD today... Loved his's the 80's girl in me..

AND I have NEVER waxed a floor! EVER!

Oh.. guess who got a Pumpkin Spice Latte today from Starbucks in the big City???? Oh yeah...
Still flying!

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

P.S. I want that Cosmo Cricket paper!!!

LeAnne said...

You are too funny. Not only do I LOVE this card, the images, the paper (gonna have to look for that stuff), I was just listening to PBS's Guy Lombardo orchestra and imagining those very housewives waxing their floors with their waspish waists and permanent waves! Beat on!

Kelley Eubanks said...

This is so cute Elise! I think you did a fantastic job and found the perfect solution!! Love it!!

Ann said...

TOTALLY Moxie Fab, my friend! Vintage and a pun? A winner for sure! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Elise! Super cute card, chick! I am loving me some Cosmo Cricket right now! So cute!

Rosemary said...

Just shakin' my head girl, just shakin' my head at the amazing and clever ideas that COME OUT OF YOURS!! Who'd a thunk?? Not me!! TEE HEE! Love that Cosmo paper, but it is hard to take scissors to it for sure!

Dotty Jo said...

Hey you! What a fabulous card and a great, fun post... Cosmo paper rocks, its soooo beautiful and you did a such fabulous job with it! Jo x

Karen said...

You've got the whole kitchen kaboodle going on here....and I'm lovin' it!! Interactive, custom sentiments, fabulous Cosmo Cricket action, the perfect little charm, a perfect gingham bow, stitching, all hand mixed to whip up a fantastic creation a la YOU! Moxie Fab? OH YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :>:>

stampmonkey said...

Girl, you crack me UP! You totally, BEAT...this card! Hard to go wrong with anything Cosmo Cricket, and though your creative processes take a rather, um, unique approach, you've got your Moxie Fab goin' on! ;)

Dana Gustafson said...

Ummmmm helllooooooo, Cath?! Are you checking THIS card out?
Fabulous, freaking fabulous I say! I love that cosmo paper and you went ahead and made it complete with your custom *hybrid* upgrade! wahooo!

Linda aka Oz said...

With the correct encouragement, we can conquer the world! And you girly have all the correct stuff working for you!!! Linda aka Oz

Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Editor said...

Hey Elise! Thanks for entering the challenge! :)

Jane said...

Perfect!! Love love it!!

Vanessa said...

This is fab!! Love everything about your wonderful card!


Kate Riley said...

You are a detail queen, and I love you for it. I can't get over all of the gorgeousness. I wish I could blow all of it up, put it in a gallery, serve champagne, and have everyone just stare.

RedCat said...

I read your comment on my snowmen and was curious who left it. So I came to take a look. And you make amazing cards. I love the doggie card including the real inspiration. But this card with the beater..... It's just so.. I don't know what to call it. Inspired I think. Readig the comment you yourself left with it, you actually strugled with the picture, but it turned out really great. Love it! So if you ever get an blanck again when trying to make something, don't be worried, it probably turn out just as great as this one!!
Great thanks for letting me see, even the most boring objects can be made into fun, sweet cards.