I do, so, love the look of woodgrain! There are a few stamps that I will have to insist travel with me... to the after-life. Not to sound macabre, I'm just stating the facts ~ I loves me my woodgrain!

In particular, and imagine my delight, when super-sassy Dawn Woleslagle, from Stamp Away with Me, designed not one, but two stamps sets, celebrating the look of WOODGRAIN! Wahoo!

In her recent release, "Woodgrain Silhouettes" and "Woodgrain Silhouettes Additions," {*Schwing!*} , there is MUCH to play with, but my FAVE image, by far is the big bar -o- woodgrain! THERE IS SO MUCH THAT CAN BE DONE WITH THIS STAMP - it's not even funny! Right now, there is this cool feature on Dawn's blog called "All eyes on...." and this time it's "masking!" In that particular post, there's a whole project and tips for masking with the woodgrain image... HOT, hot times, friends! S M O K I N' hot! So, being one who loves some added inspiration, I masked these guys....

Oooow, my goodness! It's that STINKIN' cute owl from "Funky Flowers" and oh, I had a festival of masking with him, let me tell ya! First of all, let's just bask in his adorableness. He (or she) has so much personality and potential! Easy to make a mask with this image and a post-it, and THEN, to make my owl babies look like they're slumbering... {I stewed over this for a while...} I tapped the image into my ink and then wiped the ink off the eyes with a Q-tip. This left just enough hint of ink, to give the illusion of a closed eye lid. I just drew on the eyelashes with a brush tip marker to make the little sweethearts look like they-be-napping!
Then, oh, then... ANOTHER fave of mine... GOD love the google-eye! Oh, YEAH! Still a blessing to crafters everywhere! SUCH fun! {Wonder who invented that baby? What a discovery!!!}

Speaking of inspiration, there are birds of all kinds going completely nuts, here at Rancho Durenberger. While I'm not nearly a stealthful [nor talented!] photographer, don't hold your breath for any amazing shots by REGULAR standards... However, I will share that we must have a nest, or soon to be a nest of owls, somewhere! I hear this one owl morning, noon and night! Alas, no possibility for pictures, but certainly inspiration for this card! I can't resist tossing out a couple of photos, although nothing artistically stellar.., I CAN'T believe I finally got a picture of this "neighbor" of ours in flight! Indulge me, if ya would...
Our humongous pine tree! It's the tallest tree for miles! (Not great perspective to show that exactly, but please, trust me! I don't do well measuring distances, but it towers over us!)

Finally. THE MONEY SHOT! Wahoooo! Just the other day, it was only my second attempt and BAM! So awesome! So beautiful! Wow. I find these birds breathtaking! Just last night, he came down quite low (and me, without camera!), I could, literally see a mouse he was SHOWING off with! I think he likes me now! Hee Hee

So, wow. I've been really into sharing, lately. I hope you don't mind. AND, I hope you're having a good week! I'm feeling a lot better after solving some MORE{!} internet difficulty I was having ALL BY MYSELF! Yep, had COMCAST coming today and everything. I was MOST frustrated with some channels, no phone and very sketchy internet access for TWO DAYS! So, as I prepared to dust and make my unsightly cables look prettier for COMCAST man.... I had this thought... "Some services, but not all.... hmmm.. " The modem tower was only blinking a few of the many lights.. yet there was a little bit of service... SUDDENLY, this sounded like an internal problem... Not the kind with wiring or wind or age of technology... THE kind that looks like a C-A-T... that sometimes plays behind the entertainment unit..... DOH! Felus interuptous... that's what I'm calling it. MY cat had knocked out a cord BEHIND the cabinet.... Grrrrrr. Grrrrr.... Purrrrrrr! {Either way, I fixed it myself! Yee HAW!}
Okay, then. Shutting down! Love yous guys!
Supplies -
C/S - Stampin' Up!
Stamps - Wplud9Design Studio
Leaf Die Cut - Sizzix
Oval Cutter - Coluzzle
Tree Trunk Design - ME!
Ink - Stampin' Up!
Ribbon - MM
Ah-dorable! Thanks for all the inspiration in your one post! Love it!
Eeee! Those owlies are entirely too cute! Thanks for my daily dose of adorable! :D
Adorable and creative card! By-the-way, female hawks are bigger than males. Just an FYI...I used to work at a wild life center. :)
Elise!!! breath taking! Stunning! OMG! I have to send this link to my sister who is a hawk lover (and watcher) herself.
And way.to.go. on figuring out Felus Interuptus....that really cracks me up, BTW. I was just telling my husband I was proud of myself for figuring out spray paint while he was away!
PS...I'm gonna send you a little FYI to your e-mail.
Awesome, Elise! I am Beth's sister and she was sure to send me over here. Owls and hawks are right up my alley!
Beth was right in describing me as a hawk lover, but I prefer the term "hawk stalker"- I run to my window at least 50 times a day to check on our nesting pair of Cooper's hawks. Hopefully I can capture a picture as wonderful as yours this year! Great job!
LOVE this card! Those owls are the cutest!
Oh WOW! Look at this masking masterpiece you are hiding over here! I bow down to your crafting greatness Elise! I just love how you make images come alive, so inspiring.
Good morning from me and my cat!
Custard just loves to join me for my early morning herb tea and blogging session. He likes to chew my sleeve until I drag my eyes away from the screen to give him my full attention. Now this was a difficult thing to do this morning as I am totally, TOTALLY spellbound by your card!
I don't know how you ever dream up some of your fabulous cards Elise... just sooooooo sweet and witty!
Great pics of the hawk, must show hubby later as he is a big fan of hawks, owls etc. We are regular visitors at a local sanctuary and love getting up close and personal with these wonderful creatures.
Nice detective work with your cables... usually it is feline related if something suddenly goes on the blink... unless it's husband related of course! Jo x
Woweee!! What a fabulous piece of card-crafting you have stunned us with Elise!! I agree with Dawn and bow down to your craftiness!! Love the pics of the hawk, too. And sooo glad you solved the mystery of the on again/off again internet!! Those kitties!!
♥♥Sweet Mother of Pearl♥♥ I absolutely ♥♥love♥♥ your oh-so-clever owlie card...check out all that masking...this puppy {or should I type owlie} should be framed!!!
oh those owls are adorable!! oh my that hawk is awesome thanks for sharing the pics girl :)
oh and watch out or Amy will swipe those owls! lol
Love your card Elise! It was my fave on the Cards blog this week.
This is one amazing card!! And I unfortunately am not a fan of woodgrain, but I love love love your card! Aren't those owls adorable and the masking must have taken a while!
Thanks also for your lovely comment Elise - you made my day!!
That is probably the stinkin' CUTEST owl card I've ever seen!!!!! Oh my goodness, your creativElise brain was definitely at work here.....LOVE all those owlies! :>:>
And yes, I Love your sharing too!!!!! :>:> I'm so glad you finally got that birdie shot you've been looking for and that (s)he's been doing his/her job and taknig the mousies for mealtime! :>:> Sweet!
Oh, my, Elise -- what a GREAT card. Love all the sleeping owls and then one WIDE awake. I guess there's one in every crowd, huh. Awesome, the way you did the sleeping eyes and then added the googlies. LOVE IT! Great pics of your hawk friend, too. :)
Hee hee, hoo hoo! THis is awesome! I love your tree full o owl friends and the awesome woodgrain. No wonder you have been highlighted on the CARDS blog! You go girl!
Your card is so cute--just beautiful!
Fabulous card, so cute! Those pictures are great!
Lovely, lovely owl card. And cool hawk photos! And "owl" be seeing you soon!
Sooo creative Elise! I looove those owls and that tree! Genious! Thanks for joining us at Card Patterns!
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