So sorry to have missed all of you and your latest and greatest creations! I'm running, running, running, it seems.... {YES, like we all are, no doubt!} But, I can't resist sharing one more, tiny touch of the Irish and March Magic, before I fully embrace this lovely, but sometimes cruel {ugh!} month ~ April...

Yes, please. I could use one.
A kiss, that is... A little peck or a hug.... it's been a long couple of weeks.... Action-packed, full of mighty ups and downs...! And, although, it's not my usual M.O. to really vent, here in BLOGLAND ~ would you mind if I share a few of the highs and ... frustrations? Oh, heck, well, I hope not, cause HERE I GO! {Beware of LONG post!}
Husband, asked... or ANNOUNCED, that he would be bringing "Auntie", his 35 {-ish} year old cow back to OUR ranch... I don't know if they calculate cow-years like dog's, but I can tell you, she looks and acts much like his 95 year old grandmother, who also lives with us... She is O-L-D! Super sweet, though. She lost her "friend" at the ranch where she was being enjoyed as a lawn-mower, so she "had" to come live with us and our HORSES{!?!} for company... This cow is the first off-spring of the original "Mama-cow!" {see my page header and sidebar!}. Mamacow passed away back in 2002, so we figure Auntie to be in her late 30's by now! Anywhoo, this would all be no big deal, unless you've met my horses! FREAKING out, they are! All except Mr. Pee Wee - a true gentleman and a quarter horse, whose probably moved and pushed a few cows in his day... He don't care! But the WARMBLOODS and my silly paint mare.... Let's just say, having Auntie here has caused me some serious challenges in moving horses around... And FORGET about riding ANYONE, until they seriously settle down... I really didn't need the change in livestock energy right now... (But she does add to the scenery, a bit!)

THEN, my brother! My dear, funny and wonderful oldest brother, announces that he will marry his lovely, Deborah. And, by the way "it's on a Monday afternoon and could you drive Mom and me to SAN FRANCISCO on the day...." And spend the WHOLE day and most of the night, "witnessing" them get married at City Hall... (Oh, but they do make such a fetching couple!)

AND!!!! I had to get dressed up, like a big girl! (That's Mom, Marc and ME!)

A WONDERFUL dinner to celebrate the newlyweds (and give my aching, high-heel wearing feet a break!)

The next day, a "Life Skills" award ceremony at the wee-girl's school... FIRST thing!

Then, dodged tragedy AND a vet bill, treating this horse, our beloved PEE WEE, through a bad round of colic... He is elderly, by horsey standards, but I have been though colic a dozen times or so and I was determined that I could treat him. Due to his age and his propensity to colic, there isn't much more that can be done for him with the vet, unless we had buckets of money. For me, it's always about quality of life... It wouldn't be fair to even attempt surgery on this horse, so when he colics, I have to be a big girl, jump in and do the best I can with the resources I have... It's just one of "those" things...
Here he is, taking excellent care of my boy in a horse show a few years back...

He's so handsome and good-hearted... I can't even begin to explain how special and kind he is...
He takes such good care of our family! He fills my horsey-lovin' heart so completely! If you have it in your heart, say some prayers for him. I wouldn't ask, but I would be HONORED to care for him until he's 35 or 95 or even ONE HUNDRED years old - he's that special! Currently, we figure he's about 27 years young and we just want to be able to keep him comfortable and happy.... {Just a good thought or two would REALLY help!}

So, after avoiding tragedy here at Rancho Durenberger, we celebrated the
girl's 9th birthday at a local theme park!
girl's 9th birthday at a local theme park!

Together with some DARLING friends and another ARIES baby, we did the DISCOVERY KINGDOM with style! A FULL day of RIDES, animals and FUN! Check out the B-O-Y! (Oh, yes - the PRIDE! hee hee)

Arrived home in the nick of time to blow out some candles on a pie that husband picked up!

No worries on not having a MARTHA STEWART style cake - the NEXT day was Easter!
"Mrs. Nuttles" laid some Easter goodness!
"Mrs. Nuttles" laid some Easter goodness!

Much frustration in locating "eggs" for the hunt, as the box containing Easter items was LOST following the addition of "New Scrapland" a few months back... Luckily, late Saturday night I remembered I stored some boxes out in the horse barn! {Doh!} Easter Egg hunt SAVED!

Then a DECADENT brunch at a local hotel...

I survived two weeks of chaos, and even shared EASTER brunch in the same space as someone who has hurt me, in the deepest part of my "scrap-booker's soul." I managed to enjoy the experience in good karma, and with the triumph of knowing that goodness, respect and honesty and true friendship matter most. I was surrounded with loving family while continuing a tradition that we have enjoyed since losing my dad, eight years ago. It was a good day and a fine celebration.
I sure wish... that you, my dearest friends and companions in this fantastic corner of the blog-o-sphere, have had a wonderful Easter! If you've made it all the way to the bottom of this post, THANK YOU! I look soooooo forward to catching up with you!
E.!! Loved the pics, loved the stories, love your "E"aster chatter!! :>:>:> First, always love your March cheer :>, Auntie looks she??...I admit I don't really know cows, but living here for the last decade and a half now (just about), I've definitely seen my it the pic? my eyes? or her?....just always!, wowzers....should have known that SF cityhall was such a pretty photo op spot.....great place to marry (I'll have to check out your bro's blog in the morn' as I was on my way to my book to curl up with and then hopefully, some zzzz's), sending BIG "YAY"sssss to your GIRL!!!!!!!! :>:>:>, prayers for Pee-Wee (but, I Know you will care for him The Best way you can!!!!), hey! that looks like the Fair!, Happy Birthday!!!, how did I NOT know you have a CAT?!?!'ll probably hear it all the way down 101....."AWWWWW"s will be comin' from this house when I share your post with the kidlets in the morn'!, and of course, Easter was saved by Easter and a rockin' Mama at that! :>:>
Wow miss thang! You are one strong cookie! I enjoy your stories... so vent all you want! :) Sending hugs to help get you through the next couple of weeks! :)
Hi Elise, I wish I could reach across the miles and give you a big, big hug my dear friend. I think I'm glad that the only livestock that I have to worry about is Custard (does my husband also count as livestock...?). Wonderful pictures and great to see your family having fun. I spent Easter Sunday at my in-laws house (Christmas is a my family day and so Eatser is theirs). My sweet little neice is now crawling. Throw 4 dogs and a giant cat into the mix and you can guess how chaotic a day that was!
You have a fabulous spirit Elise, and I'll be thinking of Mr Pee Wee. Take care of you, Jo x
So much happening there! Thanks for sharing all this, dear friend! Loved looking at all the photos and reading your stories! Hope all will be fine with Pee Wee! Oh, and love your card!
As always, it's great catching up with you in stories and great photos! So glad you enjoyed Easter in spite of the chaos that surrounds you. PeeWee is one gorgeous animal and I know how painful it is to see a horse suffer with the pain of colic, so I hope he's on the mend and doing much better by now. Congrats to your brother on his nuptials and HB2 your daughter! Hopefully April is going to be a bit kinder to you in the long run and you can catch your breath! Take care now, ya hear?!
Hello, my friend!! So glad to see you back! Sweet, sweet card!! Will say a few prayers for Mr. Pee Wee! He is beautiful for sure and being that he is a gentleman and all, he deserves some extra special love! So fun reading your blog in the quiet of the morning!
My gosh what a couple of weeks... Hope you get to put those tired dogs up and take a break!! And get a massage..
Big horsey hugs to Pee Wee and some prayers as well. Just makes me want to wrap my arms around his neck and take in his smell... poor guy...
Poor Auntie! The horses think she's a cougar!!! Hope everyone just settles down! Must be nerve wracking...
Your brother's wife looks like Jill Goodacre! Hotties! What a fun wedding!
And, there is something to be said for Grace... You did wonderfully pulling it off.. Mother Teresa and Dr. Laura would crown you, darlin'!!!
Here's to another day in the life of full womanhood!!!!
girl you "clean up" quite nice :) lol a dress? haven't worn one in 3 years and that was for my wedding! i never knew cows lived so long, wow! thanks for catching us up and you hang in there :) almost forgot... super card and give yourself a hug for me.
Wow girl... you have had a lot going on! Glad that you vented... I like being able to keep up with you! I love you! :)
wowza have been busy...I hope that Auntie makes some friends:) I also hope that Pee Wee gets better soon....your kidlets are adorable...happy belated to your lovely girl! Woot Woot to your bro and his new bride:)
Your Easter Brunch...karma is always good my friend...
Take care of yourself sista...
I was just about ready to send out the search party! You do have a lot on your plate woman, but in true "E"-ster style you get through.
Happy Birthday to the girls! And congrats on your bro's nuptials.
I have no clue about livestock, but hopefully the rest of the horses warm up to Auntie. And I will definitely say a little prayer for Pee Wee.
As for you, I hope you get some down-time to do whatever your heart desires...even if it's nothing at all! And it's so hard for me to imagine anyone wanting to hurt you, but shame on them, shame on them.
wow, Elise, you've been busy! Love the Kiss Me card :)
I SO enjoyed your post! Thanks for sharing those wonderful pics! You clean up beautifully, girlfriend!! I hope your sweet Pee Wee will get better soon.
Well, what's life without a whirlwind huh? Card? fabulous! M+D photos and you all dressud up? gorgeous! Animal escapades and near emergencies? conquered! easter egg antics? done! 9 year old lavished in bday fun? uh huh yep, "best bday ever" she says! good karma in reward for good behavior and treasured friendship? PRICELESS baby, PRICE-LESS! hugs girl! you know I love ya!
what a great post-so full of fun and life! your card is very sweet, elise! just wanted to thank you for picking my card over at dawn's blog! i so appreciate it!
Good gosh, and I thought I was busy!! Ok, that Auntie is stinkin' old. She probably just eats all day long, huh? I mean what else do old cows do? Sleep?
The wedding looked lovely and you were beautiful. Love all the family photos too and wish I can ride a horse well. I think that'd be fun!
Okie dokie... back to cleaning and cleaning and did I tell you I've been cleaning? Good gosh! I can't wait to move in to our hotel this weekend!!!!!
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