Where am I? Tag NUMBER 7, if memory serves! {The one that helped inspire my little song...!}
This was one SERIOUSLY technique rich, tag crafting festival, folks!
I really, really enjoyed this one! Talk about creating a miniature CHRISTMAS wonderland!
Honey, baby, sweetie - this one REALLY had my materials dancing!
This was one SERIOUSLY technique rich, tag crafting festival, folks!
I really, really enjoyed this one! Talk about creating a miniature CHRISTMAS wonderland!
Honey, baby, sweetie - this one REALLY had my materials dancing!
Meanwhile, did someone see where the week went? Goodness, GRACIOUS! It was a fast one. I hope yours was lovely and that your weekend is choc full o craft time....! Mine has changed its plans on me a FEW times, but one thing that's sure to change, oh say, the next 6 years or so.... As of tomorrow, I'll HAVE A TEENAGER! Ack! What? How? Oh, noooo! What happened to my BABY!?! Oh, dear....
{Heh Heh}
Here's hoping your weekend treats YOU right!
Elise this is so original! All of the accents look great together! I feel ya about the begiining of the year seeming to pass by so fast. Yowza!
ooohhh...I love this taggie...that twisty sparkly wire is a fabbie touch!
another gorgeous tag, elise!! your crafting skills never cease to AMAZE me!! and well... good luck with the teenager in the house! i will have one of those in november!! ackkkk!! where does the time go!
love the twisty wire!!!
oh poor you having a teenager YIKES!! lol
thought i would not live to see all my kids out grow the teenager years but happy to say i did and without loosing my sanity (completely) *giggle*
the wire is such a creative touch, elise! happy bday to your soon to be teen!
Love this my dear friend. I can't BE-LIEVE you and your hand cut designs. Seriously craaaaazy talent you have!
Happy birthday to mamacow's son! Here's wishing him and you a smooth transition into teenager-dom. Rock on!
You are right, this week *did* go uber fast!! Actually, since the 5:40am alarm was a lot to get used to again, with heading back to school & all, I'm glad it was a four day week.........I never did get back into the habit of going to bed at an earlier time!
But, you, *YOU*, have been getting your mighty fabulous creative crafty delight on!!!! I love coming & seeing what you are up to and how you have reinterpretted the Tim man. YES!!! :>
My goodness!!! Another fabulous tag!!! WOW - talk about on fire!!! You are smokin'!!! (I apologize for the mid-ninties Jim Carrey reference!). This tag is STUN-NING!!! Love the twisted wire and the impression tape (gosh, what's that stuff called again? But I do love it!!!) Great inspiration here!!!
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