I didn't mean to tease you with "the big reveal will be on Friday!" and not deliver! So sorry about the delay... Goodness, gracious, preparing Scrapland for a photo shoot required a LOT more tinkering than I expected! Well, all I can say is, "thank you for you patience!"
And with out further delay..... Somebody please yell: "DRIVER move that BUS!"
New S-C-R-A-P-L-A-N-D!
(This view is right as you enter through the main door...)
(This view is right as you enter through the main door...)

That's some SERIOUS curio...-ing!
{For the curious..}
{For the curious..}
And just a little bit closer, now...
{Aay- aay- oh- OH!}
{Aay- aay- oh- OH!}

I'm really proud of this counter-top thingy! It's two, painted, pine shelves, screwed together and then topped with a strip of a sewing top cutting pad that {yes, I've had for 9 years!} I've looked after for FAR too long! Hee Hee I had huge plans to top that sucker onto a table top for giving classes.... but I never got the table or taught the CLASSES... so, uh... I had an epiphany ~ CUT IT to a more useful size! So, I dragged it down to the local {small!} hardware store and had them cut it on their table saw, thereby saving myself the gas that I would have spent, taking it to the plastics store... AND the aggravation of waiting for hubby to do it... Anwhoo, I was even able to use the other side, on the little counter space as you walk in, on your right..

Okay, sorry ~ it's late ! That's why it's dark outside my cool French doors, but I just had to give you guys the JUICE! Anywhoo, now we're BACK to the "southern" side of town... Here's my big card holder thingy and horsie picture, in context to the other fun goodies! Hey! That black and white photo is a picture of MY grandmother in Ireland, when she was 14 years old! Talk about your vintage treasure.... Hmm.. At further review, that frame may require some crackle, too... HEE HEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Now, visitors, we've turned our camera towards the NORTHERN side of SCRAPLAND...

Still looking north, but slightly east... towards my main door that I'll someday paint, too... But not until down the road... AFTER I've taught myself how to make CARDS again... {Sometimes it's so hard to shift the old gears!}

REALLY strong!
Can you see my AUTOGRAPHED picture of WYNONNA!?! {Love her!} She might need a crackly frame one of these days...

Husband wants me to mention the "shear wall" {don't even know if I'm spelling it right} construction of New Scrapland... "tell your blog friends..." , he tells ME! "That they should think about this in THEIR rooms..... BECAUSE it's so safe to drill into and hang shelves from......" Quite proud of himself, he is.... And I'm just going to be very quite right now... {hee Hee}
But, seriously, friends... It was unexpected, yet a very practical decision to leave Old Scrapland and give it back to "Nona..." Hard to believe I've been at this for a little over a month! I don't know if that time seems long or short... But either way, it's coming together. I really want to thank you SO much for your encouragement, love and support! Sharing all of this with you is such a gift! {If it weren't for BLOGLAND, I'd have to have you all over!} As you can see, I have accommodations for one, maybe two guests at a time, so we'd be doing A LOT of visiting! Hee Hee {Not to say that I wouldn't mind HEARING from you, if you ever do come though town... Y'all c'mon by RANCHO DURENBERGER and SCRAPLAND, now!} Yet, until then, I'm just so appreciative of you allowing me to share this journey with all o you, sweet ones...
{I hope I've made some sense and not too many typos... its been a LONG one and I'm about to drop... Night-night, or g'morning.... either way, I can't wait to hear from you! Thanks again!
Bye bye, now... {somebody pull the plug!}
I love ya, maaaaaan!
Good morning! The new post was not even showing up in my live feed, but I clicked on your blog to say "it's OK, we love you anyway even if you didn't get around to the big reveal"....BUT then, there it was! Yay! It's spectacular! I'd love to come sit on your couch and enjoy a cup of coffee and just be surrounded by your creativity and have some of it seep into me by osmosis. I hope it proves to be your safe haven and area of reprieve and GOOD KARMA for giving up your old scrapland!
It is so beautiful and looks so workable!! I am so very impressed, happy for you and green with envy all at the same time. Mostly just so darned happy for you I could piddle. I am dying to know though, how much got tossed. I just ummm "DONATED" a huge box full of stuff I have not touched or even thought of using in the last 2 years to make room for more incoming items. I figure with you having the chance to touch everything that something got ditched... Don't get me wrong, there are still plenty of goodies that I have lovingly stored for years that are in no danger of leaving anytime soon...LOL
Enjoy your most beautiful not really orange at all room darling and know that I would love nothing more than to sit there and whip out a few hundered cards with you. Oz
Ooohhhh, aaahhhh! Scrapland is beautiful and I am sooo JEALOUS!!! And I so want to come by for a visit, but well, since I live in Washington! that's just not possible right now (sigh...!)! Pat hubby on the head and tell him how much all of us appreciate you passing on his little tip! (hee hee!) But mainly, just soo glad that you now have a place to sit and create. Can't wait to see what magic happens in this scrapland!
Love love love scrapland! Holy Scrapland!
I'm packing my backs and coming over!
OMG Tess is gorgeous! Talent oozes out of you!
Might I say, I found a few super cute items in that 'store' of yours????? I spotted Wynonna right away!!!! Love her! And the electric outlets on the ceiling!!! Genious! Your DH is the man! I can see you pluggin' in a drill and doing some serious altered goods! You need one of those retracting super powered extension cords girl... plug it in up there.. pull down as needed... And the 'hammer anything you want' wall? OH my..
Fun fun fun fun fun!!!
Love all your stuff...
WOW!!! and all this is just one month??!! awesome work girl (and hubby too!) my hubby had to wipe the drool off my chin as i was looking and reading :)*thanks for saying how you reach everything hehe i was wondering. now the big question..... can i come live with you???!!! LOL looking forward to seeing all the awesome cards you make in new scrapland :)
I'm coming over!!!!
OK, I'm not just yet but I am soon! That second craft table is calling me home to roost. hee hee! And I can answer Linda AKA Oz's question....N-O--T-H-I-N-G! Nothing got ditched because Mama E knows how to save her some goodies. THe magic is you always know how and what you have. Serious brain power girl! New scrapland is brighter and shinier than old...and I never would have thought it possible. So glad for you! OK, now I'm coming over..... :)
It looks awesome girl! And you should totally come to CHA girl! REALLY so fun!
I have serious storage envy now...sniff sniff
I think I'm going to throw up! This is sick sick sick. I am sick sick sick to my stomach! Oh my goodness!!! I said one little bad word too when I saw the first pic. Now I owe M and Jovie a quarter. It's our rule, for every bad word you owe a quarter to the kids' piggy. It's getting more expensive now that we have two kids!
WOW, this is AMAZING!!!! Can I buy your house? :P Totally JEALOUS! Green green green with envie! I think though I'll still go to heaven despite my feelings. It's not your husband I want, it's Scrapland :P You did awesome. This place is fab and wow, you have a lot of crap! My hubby said I've got crap-pages loads of stuff. Wait til he sees your stuff!!! How long have you been accumulating all the above? Goodness!!! The table is awesome. It's worth keeping that sewing pad the last 9 yrs!!
Lovely. I love scrapland. I wish I could go there and enjoy scrapland.
I'm on the phone with American Airlines right now, because I'M COMING FOR A VISIT!!!! This is fantastic, Elise! LOVE it all, girlie!
I'm so thrilled and happy for your new scrapland area! OH MY GOSH this is amazing! So practical and perfectly designed for creating! Everything is visible, within reach and you're centrally located as you work! Brilliant, well planned and just wonderful! I couldn't be happier for you, and I know you're going to be so contented there! Lucky girl :)
Yahoooooo! It's Scarpland up and running and looking soooooooooooo good! Isn't it just the best feeling in the world top get your own little creative psace back? So happy for you my dear, special friend and thanks for sharing the fun, Jo x
Holy cow! Awesome!
Holy crap! That is one incredible room!!
Okay......when can I come over??!! My Princess wants to see too.....she's being rather insistant as she's watching me enlarge each and every pic! You made MAGIC in NEW Scrapland!! I just love it (and now I must go so that I can wipe the drool off of my chin and assure my family that aliens didn't just take over my body as I kept uttering unintelligible gibberish and then drooling some more)!!! :> YOU and NEW Scrapland ROCK!
Holy MOLY Woman! You've got heaven on your hands, and it goes by the name of Scrapland! :)
Loving it! WISH so much that I could come over for coffee and cards. :) And Savitri is right... you got a TOOON of schtuff! Loverly! ;)
So super happy mamacita! *HUGS!*
There's one thing missing, though... no pics of YOU! ;-)
WOW. Oooh. Aaaah! Ok. I love scrapland! I am jealous! It`s perfect!! And so well organized! You deserve it - can`t wait to see what you create in your new Wonderland!
Wow!! Your new scrapland is the bomb! :) I thought I had a lot of crap! Ha!!
Holy guacamole. Can I come live with you? I'll even clean & cook for you....YEEHAW that place is awesome! I bow to you, oh scrapland queen!
♥♥sweet mother of pearl♥♥ Don't mind me while I pack my bags and all my craft gear...I'm camping out in Scrapland!
"DRIVER move that BUS!" Now that cracked me up!
me...green with envy but couldn't be happier for one of thee nicest bloggie peeps to have such a fantabulous scrapland:)
i'm in love. i have no words.
Oh Wow Elise I LOVE new scrapland!! Makes me want to come over and play!! Glad to see you are back in the "saddle":)
this is amazing... i LOVED ur scrapland.... looks so tempting... :)
Looks beautiful Elise! Come along way since the puppies frolicked in those cobwebbed walls! Oh...just over a MONTH ago?! I'm amazed at the progress you've made! Great job.
OOOH, I am not sure how I landed here on your blog, but I am glad that I did! :) I love your space makeover! I just re did mine last year and I am full of ideas to tweak it now! You've done a marvelous job!
~Inky smiles!
Erin G
I love your space! It takes alot of work to make it look like that, you did awesome!
WOW!!! I truly am in love with your Scrapland!!! I'm a new follower!:)
~Vanessa W
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