Did you watch the ball drop? Kiss your sweetie...? Catch up on some zzzzzzz's?
I hope it was WONDERFUL! I'm SO excited about 2011 - it's just so fresh and full of possibility!
I stole a little time in Scrapland to get the New Year off right. Nothing like a little post-holiday, holiday craft to make a girl's spirits bright...
FINALLY, a little time for TAG!

Forever, OVERLY optimistic about how productive my pre-Christmas
craft time will be, this year, I'm just proud to still be standing.... uh, crafting...
from an upright position! Tag NUMERO UNO, officially done!
craft time will be, this year, I'm just proud to still be standing.... uh, crafting...
from an upright position! Tag NUMERO UNO, officially done!

This year was every bit the Christmas of giving. Making sure the holidays were magical for my kids was my top priority {somehow, even more than when they were tiny!}... and from their continuing good manners and loving salutations, we're still floating. It was a complete and total hat trick, but somehow, mission accomplished. Here's hoping your celebrations were just as magical!
In addition to this fun, juicy, technique-bloated, tag-craft extravaganza, I'm still working my fine art, as well. Here is one of the smallest pieces I've created, maybe EVER! It's kind of outside my box.... {Okay, it's not an animal! That's how you KNOW it's outside my creative box!}

Once again, dear friends of Blogland, I hope your holidays were PERFECT in every way. If you have some little ones around, you're probably looking forward to some regularity in the old schedule... aka SCHOOL TO START! THEN, we can really get back in the game... of crafting!
Have a GLORIOUS rest of your weekend! From where I'm sittin', the New YEAR sure looks bright! May it shine for you, too!
Have a GLORIOUS rest of your weekend! From where I'm sittin', the New YEAR sure looks bright! May it shine for you, too!
what a awesome tag!!! and such a beautiful painting :)
glad you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year :)
I've MISSED you!! But, Totally understand needing to take time with the family & making magic for kidlets!! :> I was soooo delighted when I opened my blog and found you all over it....Thank You!! :>:>
That tag. THAT tag!!! *That* tag is a Tim Holtz tag on Red Bull!!! Love that you dressed the tree up bright with Christmas lights!!
AND we're treated to not only a crafty tag that is sure to have everyone drooling, but some of your fine art too????? Seriously, girl! You've got more creative talent in your little finger....and I love that you share it!!!
(((HUGS))) Happy New Year!! :>
OMG! That tag ROCKS!!! Wowza, girl, you don't mess around...when you make a tag, you make a TAG!!!
Happy 2011! Hope this year holds lots of crafty goodness for you!
1st: HAPPY NEW YEAR, girlie!!! 2nd: THANK YOU for all the sweet, sweet love you have left me this past year. 3rd: your tag is OUTSTANDING AND GORGEOUS! i love it when you get your craft on!! 4th: what a beautiful painting! love seeing the fine artsy side of you!! MWAH!!
Happy New Year sweet Elise! Jo x
Happy 2011 gorgeousness!
I LOVE your tag! So magnificent! And I have some of those tiny lights, too! Waiting still, to adorn some piece of craftiness.
Oh my.. Christmas.. My kids are no longer believing in Santa.. this was the first year for that.. but you know what? We did it. We managed to also explain the 'magic' and specialness of keeping Santa in our hearts, and still putting out cookies and milk, and still writing letters to Santa.. Oh my gosh.. it makes my get all weepy! Love the magic and really love it when our kids finally 'get it' - and become givers themselves.. so very very special.
Black eyed Susan? Not sure if that is the right name, but love those gorgeous 'red' sunflower type flowers!!! Especially now with the darn snow!!!!
Oh Elise, this tag is a work of art too!!! Absolutely stunning!!! The details... *drool*! This tag needs to be displayed all by itself, not attached to a mere gift :) I don't think I've ever seen a prettier, more detailed, tag-a-liscious piece of creative genius!
And that painting....oh, the painting... *swoon*. Holy moly, you do good work!!! I ask you, where do you store such a plethora of talent???
Happy new year my friend! I, too, love the possibilities and potential of a brand spankin' new year!
Happy New Year to you, Elise! Love your new painting. You are one talented lady!
Holy Christmas Tags Batman!! That is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! I can't get over aaaallll the little details! *doing the I'm not worthy* bow AGAIN!! ;D
Happy Happy New Year!! This one is gonna rock your socks off, don't ya think?!
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