Making these tags is SUCH a hoot! I feel like I'm taking a twelve day, intensive class with Mr. Holtz, himself! I mean, SERIOUSLY! If not for him, I just don't know that I'd get waist deep in my materials and techniques.... this many days in a row! I really and truly am going to stop gushing {SOON! I promise!}, but I just can't get over how much I feel like I am pushing myself {and loving it!} to use SO many materials, I'd otherwise leave in a drawer. I had to have all this stuff to begin with...{RIGHT!?!}! But in my day-to-day card craft, I usually find reasons NOT TO EMBOSS... Or do anything that requires DRYING time... etc. Just letting myself get swallowed up in technique-rich crafting is like boot camp - for the crafty! It's just THAT exhilarating!
Here's to you, crafty friends! Thanks for letting me share this little journey. I hope you got deep in your materials, today, as well! Good crafting IS my effort to create "peace on earth..." at least in my own mind!
Enjoy your day!
LOVE this one....ooooohhhh soooooooo purdy!
E - the tags are great but my minds a racing ...Do you think that maybe a save the date tag might be an interesting touch for Stef's big day?Got any ideas?????
woweee zowee!! another in a long line of fabulous, fabulous tags!!! yeee haw!!!
Mmm, I'm lovin' all the shiny goodies on this one! SO fun & festive!
this is stunning! love it!
Wow Elise.. What a great assortment of tags you have!!!. I really should get started :)
You rock my world! This is so serene and elegant. How much do I love that tinsel rimmed pinwheel????Oh so VERY much!
oh, that pleated element is so awesome, elise! well, the whole tag is just awesome!
Gonna tell your husband... :) Awesome tag but still gonna tell..
Oh, dear! You should MEET my husband! SERIOUSLY!
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