Hi there, friends o-the blog-o-sphere! I'm zipping totes and wrapping my gi-normous spinner of S/U! inks and getting ready to spend four glorious days scrapping with some of the dearest and scrappiest ladies and friends a gal could ever hope to have in her world... This will be the first time I've gone on retreat since I started this little blog and tonight I'm feeling full of gratitude, because now I have so many more friends! Thanks to this blog and all that I have learned by meeting and being inspired by so many of you, I'm feeling full and happy knowing that the crafty world has grown so much wider, yet so much CLOSER because of all of YOU! So as I prepare to bid you farewell for a few days, I wanted to leave you with a card of.... thanks!

First of all, thank you for giving me a place to share my paper crafting, silly thoughts and hopefully, occasionally, crafty insights, sprinkled with joy and humor for this wonderful, WONDERFUL art form. To those of you who visit me regularly and whom I "stalk" regularly (please don't file a restraining order! tee hee) I'm loving THIS! Thank you for your warm and thoughtful comments, your time and in most cases, friendship! This is one of the most giving and generous communities I have ever had the privilege of being a humble part of. I feel like I'm JUST beginning to get a "lay of the land" and I'm already wondering how I've been crafting for all these years and not joined in the fun sooner!!!
Wherever you are and however your weekend is shaping up, I hope you get plenty of time for laughter and the company of dear friends... And if you plan to REALLY live it up, I hope you do all of the above AND scrap/stamp/glue/ink/glitter....... just MAKE SOMETHING! I'll be by soon to check it out!
Wherever you are and however your weekend is shaping up, I hope you get plenty of time for laughter and the company of dear friends... And if you plan to REALLY live it up, I hope you do all of the above AND scrap/stamp/glue/ink/glitter....... just MAKE SOMETHING! I'll be by soon to check it out!
hope you are having the best four days! and thank you, for you're lovely sweet comment!!
hugs sam
Hey E-ster!!! Have a great time this weekend! Can't wait to see what awesome craftiness you have to show us next week!
Have a blast! We'll be trying to get thru the days without your kind words and cheery posts!
I'm gonna miss you and the chance to watch your creative self work! I'll be folding laundry, scrubbing bathrooms, and of course, picking up kidlet toys for the gazillionth time (why is it that when you put away one of their toys...or tell them to...suddenly its like a brand new toy and they have to bring it out again?! And it brings its friends?!) while you are swimming in colorful paper, stamps, inks, embellishments, oh my! But, I really do wish you the most fantabulous time!! I know that retreats are like a big colorful lollipop of a vitamin B infusion to the spirit!! Can't wait to see what you'll be working on! :>
So, ooops! I forgot to comment on your fan-ta-bu-lous card!! Sorry, luv!! It's wonderful!
Have a wonderful retreat, my dear!
I had to pass on a retreat this weekend to teach a class so enjoy some for me!! Have a blast and be productive. Linda aka Oz
Have a great time! Steph and I will be counting down the days until our retreat in October. Can't wait to see what you create!!
Hope you're having a great time, and what a fab card to sign off on! :oD
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