There once was a man named Tim...
there was so much art within him...
He shared all he could, but he was SO good
... he got strangers to to craft 'long with him...
Not one, not two, not three not four.... he got thousands,
maybe millions... across earth's crafty core..
All working together, at home and abroad,
influenced by stamps, ephemera, and alcohol ink swab...
Toiling one by one, 12 tags they all made
showing Tim that inspiration is like a parade...
With laughter and cheering, a self satisfied grin
we crafted and mastered the techniques shared by him...
Tags one through twelve were created with glee...
meanwhile, we're all thinking, "TIM, pick me!"
So for now, we'll be strong, just one more day,
to make tags that will dazzle and show Tim the way...
PICK ME,TIM! PICK ME. Choose ME! LOVE ME! {Aaaaack!}
And now, Tag #9

TA DA! {*Gasp!} So close, yet so far! Three more to go by midnight! Yipes!
In the meantime, I HAVE to share some of the fun vintage family photos I collected for this tag ~ they were just tooooooo vintagey and magical to just toss out there with no comments... I hope you don't mind!
My DARLING mother in law, at approximately age 4 (1947 -ish)

Santa making the rounds of the "old neighborhood", Corte Madera, Ca. 1964 {That's my bro, looking shocked, in the grey hoodie! Wonder what his problem was? hee hee Maybe he wanted to ride in that rad El Camino with Santa and was denied! }

Oh, geeze! I REMEMBER those feety pajamas! AND being perplexed by the tinsel... "Why?" {Just didn't get the benefit or look of it...} By the look on my face, I "knew" something! c.1969

Here's hubs and his brother with Emporium Santa once again.. I think Santa may have been admonishing him - "Don't pull my beard, kid!"

I wound up not having room for this little gem, but I just HAD to share it with YOU! That's my BOY! Oh, man - he LOVED visiting with Santa! Never an issue for this lad....

The little girl, however, is a completely different story... I don't know that we have ANY pictures of her within a couple of feet of the big guy. In this photo, Santa did his best to hold onto her little vest for the photo-op.... I'm pretty sure THIS tells the story! "Naw-uh! NO THANKS, Santa! I'll take the presents, but sitting on YOUR LAP ~ out of the question!"

Wow... That was like a good, old fashioned photo share! Thanks for indulging me! At least it's some reward for scanning them! I really appreciate it!
I hope you get your Tim tags done on time, and if you've already finished.....
Noooooooo, seriously. Best of luck!
Hilarious!! Love your photos!!! I don`t get my tags finished. I started so well with the first 4 tags - then Christmas hit me! No chance to finish them! But wishing you best of luck - you so deserve it you lovely girl! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Have a great New Years Eve!!
Oh Elise, you are sooooo funny and wonderful! Great santa photographs and a truly fabulous tag! My MIL told me that when she took my hubby to see Santa (in a big chain store in Birmingham City centre) he wandered off and got behind the curtains... in a big voice he shouted 'Mom, there's another Santa through here!' He was that kind of child! Hugs to you and good luck with the big 'T' challenge, Jo x
Oh My GOSH!!! What a fabulous poem and those pictures??? Double fabulous!! And the tag?? Triple the fabulousness!! Boy, my friend, you sure do have a way with words, paper, ink, etc.,etc. Go glad we are friends! And yes, I do hope that T!m picks you!
This is my favorite tag!!!! I love those photos! The one of your MIL? Gorgeous!!! Oh my!!! So fun.. such a great post to share all the photo stories!
Go get 'er done Sister!
I'm on my last one!!!!!!!!
Wow awesome photos and seriously I think this is my favorite card yet! Love it!
ooooh awwwww you SO were made for the 12 tags of tims christmas! i knew you would totally rock it and of course, you did. the picture is so adorable of your mil i adore all you do( and you too)
much love diane o
Great tag.. hope you finished and the pics are priceless!! Great fun to walk down memory lane isnt it? Happy Happy New Years!! :)
Love the photo share, thank you so much. I, myself, left t!m behind for the big guy. I know I am fickle. Most likely why I live alone now..hehe. Just couldn't get them all done. BUTTTT! that means I can send all my "PICK ME!" to you! Crossing my fingers, toes, legs and eyes just for you darlin! Oz
Great share, Elise!! Loved all the photos and LOVED your chatter and JUST ADORED your 'ode to Tim'!!!!!! HUGE smile on my face right now!! I hope you were able to finish your tags for Tim in time. I definitely did Not, but that's okay. I've had so much fun in the process and have really enjoyed checking out what you and Dana have been up to, a la Tim!!! You ROCK, my dear!! :>
that "ode" is priceless. thanks for such clever words and bringing an instant smile to my face. it's people like you that make sharing this journey so worthwhile... happy 2010! -tim
Love your tags and those pics are terrific!!
Holy Schmoley!!! You got a comment from da man himself!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!
I love the little poem, and especially the tag you created! Those vintage photos and stories are priceless treasures and I thank you for sharing them! Your tags have all been outstanding and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you win the whole shebang!! Awesome work!!!
Girl... that tag is AWESOME!! And I love your Ode to Tim... so funny... so Elise!! I love it!
You crack me up!!! LOVE the poem, LOVE the pics, and LOVE LOVE LOVE that Tim himself commented!!!
Hey girl where are you? We miss you!
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