Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It was just a {MAGIC} matter of time...

Hey and HI-dee ho, from Rancho Durenberger! There has been a hoedown of stamping and papercraftin' here today! Let me tell you: I let the horses run! Yee Haw!

Shoot, now! I didn't mean literally (you're looking for my typical HORSEY/WESTERN type -o- craftin', but maybe... I SURPRISED YOU! I surprised myself!) I was chompin' at the bit to get something out in time for Kristina Werner's Color Challenge, which mercifully, she extended! Yee Haw! I was hot for those colors and that ADORABLE photo of inspiration! I WANTED to do something westerny... but couldn't get past that great robot toy! THEN, I remembered the Caardvark's challenge for a "shaped" card and YIPEEE! I had myself a good - old - time!

This stamp was still sitting out from my last project... Calling to me... "Elise, don't let Stampin' Up! retire me... Do something WONDERFUL and unexpected with me!" It's from "Certified!" See if you can tell where I used bits and pieces from this hunk of stampy goodness!?!

Then, I remembered THIS OLD CARD that I've been saving since my boy was a wee-baby:

I'm not a "scrap lifter" or a "card borrower" as a rule, but something about a commercially marketed, mass produced card that softens my stance on where I gather inspiration from...

This ratty thing is my sketch and where I "road tested" my ideas. Reminds me of Flat Stanley of the future! Hee Hee

I whipped out the COLUZZLE to make these circular cuts through the body of my robot and then sandwhiched my transparency (new, from S/U!) that had been stamped with WHITE STAZ ON!!! OMG! (It turned out... OK... Not as crisp as I'd hoped but passing: I was, however, stamping on quite the slick surface, so I should be happy it came out as well as it did! Yipes!)

Now I have to tell you...(HEAR THE BRADY BUNCH SONG AND BARE WITH ME:) a little story.... Of the "M a g i c M a t t e r"... that was lonely, spending time all on it's own... Hadn't been MANY years now... and it was all alone.. Then the one day, this crazy scrappin' lady, who'd been keeping and hoarding on her own... She was thankful, she was a pack rat, never parting with a single art materiallllllll. Then the one day, this crazy scrappin' lady: she was making, a funny robot card.. and she recalled this, little item, the one to make and even borrrrrrdderrrrrr.. So she whipped out this handy scrap tool, that so many others had allllll ready purged.. and she celebrated, as she drew nice and even lines.... around her ROBOT card...... Crazy scrappin' lady and MAGIC MATTER.... Crazy scrappin' lady and MAGIC MATTER... a happy FAMILY!!!! (WHOOOOOOOO! All that and NO afternoon shot of caffine on board! Holy Moly!)

He's COMING TO LIFE..... (wish I could think of a funny line from Young Frankenstein....!)! Did you notice my DOTS! Yipee! "Swiss Dots" from CUTTLEBUG! Oooooowww! Do they cast a lovely shadow! Very, very, definitely,very SHADOWY! Lovely, shadow, definitely shadowy dots.

A shot of the "inside view" of the little window! I don't like the "undergarments" showing, so I was pretty pleased with the way this turned out!

Check out his "heart light!" (My ode to "E.T.") I used Stampin' Up's glorious fluffy heart punch and popped it right to the inside of the card for my "peek-a-boo" effect! (Love that punch!)

Supply list (take this a little "salty" I USED A LOT OF STUFF ON THIS CARD! OMG!):

C/S - Stampin' Up!
Stamps - Stampin Up! and Inkadinkadoo (cupcake only)
Yellow Glitter - Doodlebug
Transparency - Stampin' Up!
Punches - Stampin' Up!
Ink - Stampin' Up!; Staz-On; Versa Fine
Cuttle Bug Embossing Plate (Swiss Dots) and Sizzix Machine

WOW! So, I guess (shhhhhhh!) that's enough for now! Hee Hee If you're still reading at this point: bless you!




KatieTurtle said...

Ok, how CUTE is this robot! It is the best robot I have seen so far! So creative of you to gain inspiration from a store bought card (yours is much better!)

Rosemary said...

Holey Moley!!! Things were definitely crackin' at the ol' Rancho for sure!! This is so STINKIN' ADORABLE i CAN'T STAND IT!!! You are sooo clever my dear, CLEVER!! Thank you for the giggle, I needed it and the smile too!

Dana Gustafson said...

SPEECHLESS! .....just speechless!

I'll just say if this is not a top pick, then I'm a monkey's uncle. Holey mother of all robot cards! I love it! OK, guess I'm not speechless afterall :) Hey Kristina, take a lookey over here.....I think you'll like it!

Leasha said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! You are my hero. It makes me all kinds a sun shiny inside when I see your new creations... Who knew Beautiful could come in the form of a little robot???

Auntie said...

I can't believe you we able to do all that writing and still be crafty with out coffee! The card is adorable. You did a great job! Dr. Frankenstein would be proud.

Winter said...

Very cute! Love that little robot!

Dreena said...

That's greaaaaaaaaaat! Lovin' it!

Anonymous said...

Seriously! That is awesome! Although, now I will be singing the Brady Bunch song all night as I sleep! Thanks alot!!!

Karen said...

Oh my stinkin' heck!!! WOMAN!!! What the blank are ya tryin' to do to us all?!? Really!!

Cuuuuteness! Craftiness galore! Plenty of loving new and old supplies alike! Nothing going unloved in ol' Scrapland!!

I have one of those tools!!! I have had one for YEARS!! I have NEVER even opened it!! Sigh. But, YOU!! You make magic with YOUR Magic!!!!

Oh yea....and on a last note.....I simply cannot read a sing-a-long song (yes...I was singing along...aloud!) on your blog again until I Finally get to hear you on your gi-tar!!!!! Phuuuuullleeeeeeease?!?!!! :>:>:>

You got me smilin' girl! :>

Jane said...

You rocked this!

Anonymous said...

Adorable card!! So unique.

lauren bergold said...

OMG! just ♥BRILLIANT♥ and totally adorable! i love everything about your awesome robot card!!! ♥

Carrie Gaskin said...

Awesome. This little robot is simply wonderful.

Erika said...

So, so cute! I love his little heart...who knew robots had hearts?! :)

Randee E said...

WoW!! So creative! Warning Wil Robinson - cuteness alert!

tg said...

Super cute card -- the projects you take on amaze me. This really is awesome and perfect for this challenge.

SmilynStef said...

Oh my goodness ... this totally rocks ... thanks for all of the fabulous details ... I love how you used parts of that stamps ... the circle arms ... the stamping on transparency ... well, I pretty much love it all.

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness, this little guy is just too fabulous! Loved reading about your creative process too!

Michele Kovack said...

WOW! WOW! WOW!!!!! This is just the most fab card EVAH!!!!

Helen F. said...

This is such a fun little guy! My grandsons would love this card~~too darn cute!

MoniqueAnne said...

Wow! Wow! Woweee! This is fabulous! Thank you for sharing the details of the process -- it's inspirational to read how the wheels are working in the head of such a talented designer!

Lucy Abrams said...

what a fantastic idea - so creative!

Joshua Jiraffe Designs said...

What a great card...and tale to go with it! I think you should win the challenge for all the detail and work that went into the card...not to mention the movie lines, quotes and signing...oh wait, that was me!!! Actually, you could have used..."it's alive! It's alive!" This is so totally awesoe andn adorable and I loved reading how it all came I just have to figure out what is...magic matter!

Winter said...

Congrats on top pick! :)

tg said...

Congrat Mrs. rock!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, awesome job Elise!!!!

Sometimes it's fun to deviate from our comfort zone! (at least when the projects turn out as amazing as this did!!)

CONGRATS on being one of Kristina's TOP PICKS!!!

Unknown said...

Awesome card! Love the shape!

Rose said...

What a SUPER SUPER CUTE ROBOT! Very creative of you. You did a great job! Congrats on being a top pick! {and thanks for leaving me a sweet comment on my blog} :)

Anonymous said...

i love these cards... i have a request ,that purple card that you have made, can u show it to us in different views